We are pleased to announce the launch of Europe’s first used F-gas trading platform, Life3R, in Slovakia. Life3R establishes a transparent and competitive trading marketplace for the buying and selling of used F-gases. The Life3R platform recognises used F-gas as a beneficial reusable resource for recycling or reclamation, creating Europe’s first circular economy for used F-gases.
With a decreased supply of virgin refrigerants available, Life3R promotes the safe recovery and re-use of F-gases. The recycling and reclamation of F-gas can support the reduction of carbon emissions and stop the illegal disposal of used F-gases into the atmosphere. Joining Life3R enables you to connect to recover, recycle and reclaim your own F-gas supplies or to trade recovered F-gas from others through the online platform.
Funded and supported by the LIFE Programme of the European Union under grant agreement LIFE19 CCM/AT 001226 – LIFE 3R, the project is an unique example of the industry working together to build up a network of used F-gas recovery and reclamation across Europe. Slovakia is the first country to benefit from Life3R’s essential used F-gas management tools.
For further information contact us.