Frequently Asked Questions
What is Retradeables?
Retradeables is the first used fluorinated gas (F-gas) online marketplace. It was established to meet the challenge faced by the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industry to balance increased global demand with stringent regulations and a reduced gas supply. The Retradeables platform offers a responsible alternative of a viable circular economy for used F-gases.Retradeables is the only online platform where the industry can connect to recover, recycle and reclaim their own F-gas supplies or to trade recovered F-gas from others. The online marketplace provides the sustainable solution for installers and distributors to extend their existing stock with used F-gases reclaimed to their original industry standard, to service the surging needs of their clients.
What does Retradeables do?
Retradeables is a used F-gases online trading platform connecting HVACR (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration) installers and distributors, who would either like to sell or buy used refrigerant for recycling and reclaiming. Retradeables encourages the industry to re-use their existing gas once it is correctly recovered and recycled or reclaimed.Retradeables brings transparency to the industry, providing valuable market data on the quality and quantity of available gases, and the industry prices.
Who if Retradeables for?
Retradeables is a used F-gas trading platform for the Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVACR) industry in Europe. Any person or company certified to handle F-gases can join Retradeables.
Where is Retradeables located?
Retradeables is an online platform accessed through an internet browser. Our head office is based in Ostend, Belgium.
What is F-gas recycling?
Recycling is a simple process to bring the collected gas back to its original form, to ensure it can be reused. Recycling is similar to refrigerant ‘cleaning’, where contaminants are reduced by separating oil, removing particulate matter and reducing moist and acidity. However, recycling results may differ from machine to machine, and it may not always be sufficient to achieve the gas specifications which correspond to the virgin gas, but the standards are enough to re-use the gas for servicing.
What is F-gas reclamation?
Some used F-gases need to be reclaimed to be able to be reused. Reclaimed refrigerant is a gas which has been reprocessed by a licensed facility to the industry standard AHRI 700 to match the quality of virgin product. It is purified, certificated and guaranteed. Refrigerants saved from disposal and returned to use as reclaimed gas can make a direct contribution to the F-Gas Regulation phase down and to lowering the industry’s carbon footprint.Installers can decide on whether to opt for a recycling or reclamation process, depending on the amount of contamination of their used gas.
How does Retradeables differentiate between collected gases?
To simplify the process of handling recovered gas, Retradeables uses three different grades (A, B and C) to encompass the quality grade of the collected gas.
How does LifeRetradeables grade the used gas?
Retradeables uses the three grades below to define the quality grade of the collected gas:A-Quality:Indicates a single refrigerant or blends recovered without being mixed with other single refrigerants or blends. This refrigerant only needs a professional cleaning process to remove oil, moisture, NCG and impurities, and eventual readjustment to the original composition. The gas needs to be analysed and certified in order to be labelled and sold as recycled or reclaimed refrigerant. For instance, R410A recovered separately from other refrigerants in different cylinders. A simple cleaning and adjustment process is necessary to meet final certification.B-Quality: Indicates refrigerants that are mixed during the recovery process in the same bottle or container. B-grade mixture contains two or more single refrigerants or blends. These mixed refrigerants will be sent to the distillation factory in order to be separated to the original components. Once separated, the refrigerants need to be adjusted to their original composition and certified by analysis to be labelled as ‘reclaimed product’. For example, when R404A and R410A are recovered in the same bottle and therefore mixed, these need to be distilled for their separation into R404A, R32 and R125. Then they could be certified to AHRI 700, like the virgin product.
C-Quality: Indicates all the mixed refrigerants that can’t be reclaimed by distillation and need to go to the thermal conversion process, to be transformed into HF and HCL. A mixture containing banned refrigerants (like R22) or a mixture containing HC (Hydrocarbons) would automatically be classified as C-grade.
How can I join Retradeables?
It is easy to join Retradeables through an online registration process. By pressing the ‘Join Retradeables button on the Retradeables website, you will be directed to the platform. You click on ’Sign-up’ and follow the online steps – you will be guided through the registration. You need your contact details, company details and a valid F-gas certificate.
What are the benefits of joining Retradeables?
Meet your strict climate obligations and increased customer demand simultaneously.
• By re-using F-gases you are fighting climate change and reducing your carbon emissions.
• With a decreased supply of virgin refrigerants available, safely recovering and re-using F-gases enables you to service new customer demand and operate within regulation restriction.
• Previously seen as waste and a cost burden, Retradeables recognises used F-gas as a saleable asset, bringing you additional revenue.
What does Retradeables give me access to?
Retradeables gives you access to Europe’s first used F-gases trading platform. You will be able to connect with other industry members to sell and buy recovered F-gases for reuse.
Do I have to pay to sign-up?
The Retradeables platform is free to join, so there are no additional costs for you to register. A small commission fee is automatically included in each trade made through the platform.
Where does the Retradeables marketplace data come from?
The Retradeables marketplace data, being fed by input from installers and distributors, taking into consideration demand and supply for each gas type.
How do I register and set up a Retradeables account?
It is easy to join Retradeables through an online registration process. By pressing the ‘Join Retradeables button on the Retradeables website, you will be directed to the platform. You click on ’Sign-up’ and follow the online steps – you will be guided through the registration. You need your contact details, company details and a valid F-gas certificate.
Is Retradeables simple to use?
Retradeables is easy to use. Once registered, you simply log-in, search the marketplace for the products you need, connect with the selling party and sign a contract together. The product will then be exchanged between the seller and the buyer.
Do I need a Retradeables terminal?
No, you do not need a specific Retradeables trading terminal. You can access the platform with your own log-in details through any internet browser, either from a PC or from a mobile device.
How can I start trading used-F gases?
Once you have registered as a user of the platform, you can ‘unlock’ the finance section of the platform by following a standard ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) process. Again, this is a simple step-by-step process during your registration to the platform.You can access the platform without providing KYC documentation, but you will be unable to trade until your documents have been uploaded and verified.
What are the ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) requirements?
KYC is a common process where proof of identity is required to verify the identity of clients. This will require Retradeables users to provide specific company data to the platform in order to open a new trading account and begin trading used F-gases.The ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) rule is a standard, ethical requirement for those in the financial industry who are dealing with customers during the opening and maintaining of accounts.
How do I access Retradeables?
You can access the platform directly through your internet browser – navigate to the Retradeables platform, and simply enter your account details and click the ‘Log-in button’ on the platform’s start page.
What kind of data can I add to my account?
Each section contains different information relevant to your account and your gas.Through our simple upload forms, you can easily input all the data you need. The platform is divided into five sections – please see below for more details:Sales Center:Your marketplace and trade journal
Everything you need to initiate and complete a gas trade. A sales synopsis of refrigerant available in the market, displayed by type and quantity. A summary of your current market trades (offers and bids).• Stock: Your stock snapshot
Graphics depicting your company’s used F-gas stocks – shown both by company and by technician. The essential summary for your refrigerant supplies.• Equipment: Your extraction and measuring equipment
An exact log of your extraction cylinders, showing refrigerant type and quantity. Updated live as you scan the cylinder’s QR code at extraction, and added directly to your stock levels.• Clients: Your clients
Your Retradeables address book. A secure database of your own clients, showing all relevant client details.• Finance: Your account and transaction tracker
Transaction and invoice statements for your Retradeables account. Your account & your wallet summaries.
Can I share my Retradeables account with my team?
Yes, this is possible. You can have different users for one company account.
I would like to leave Retradeables – what do I do?
Should you wish to leave the platform and no longer be able to trade, you contact your account manager to close down your account for you, transfer any remaining funds to you and send you confirmation of your account closure.
What is used F-gas trading?
Once your used F-gas has been safely and correctly recovered, the used F-gas is no longer just waste. You can exchange this gas through Retradeables. The exchange of the used F-gas between an installer and a distributor is a ‘trade’. Through Retradeables, installers and distributors can sell and buy used F-gas
Does Retradeables offer fair pricing?
Yes, used gas trades on Retradeables are entirely transparent, driven by market supply and demand according to gas type, quality and quantity available.
How do I make a trade on Retradeables?
It is simple to make a trade on the platform. Once your account is set-up, you navigate to your ‘Sales Center’. Here you can simply search the marketplace for the type and amount of recovered refrigerant which you are looking for. You then connect with the relevant party and make your offer. The money for the trade is held in your Escrow e-Wallet until the trade is completed. Once your offer has been accepted, you and the seller agree the logistics for the actual exchange.
Can Retradeables help execute my trades?
A member of the Retradeables team can assist you with any of your trading enquiries. Your dedicated account manager is available for you to discuss any issues, challenges or successes. However, you will need to execute the actual trades yourself.
What does ‘My Offers’ mean?
‘My Offers’ details the gas you have offered to the market for sale.Once you have uploaded the stock of recovered gas you have, you will be able to ‘offer’ (sell) your used gas to the market. In the Company Stock section, you click on the cylinder you would like to add to the marketplace. By clicking the ‘Publish’ button, your cylinder will be added to the live marketplace and will then be visible in your ‘My Offers’ tab. You can track your market offers and who has made ‘bids’ on the gas. You can also track the trading process at each stage and you will receive automatic email notifications for each stage of the process.
What does ‘My Bids’ mean?
‘My Bids’ details the gas you would like to buy from the marketplace and the price you would like to pay for it.Once you have uploaded your own used gas information, you will be able to see what gas is available in the marketplace, according to quality and quantity. You can make ‘bids’ for any gas stock available. You will receive email notifications as your ‘bid’ progresses through each stage of the process, and this process can be tracked through this dashboard tab. You can see what stage your offer is at and whether or not it is accepted by the other party.
How do I handle disputes with my trading partners?
Occasionally you may disagree with a trading partner regarding the quality grade of the gas. For instance, if both – the selling and buying parties – tested the used gas and found the gas to be of a different quality. You can use the ‘Disputes’ tab on your dashboard to raise your concerns.
Is my data secure?
Yes, your Retradeables account is secure. Any user or client data on the Retradeables platform is fully compliant with recent data protection regulation. The protection of your data and privacy is of paramount to Retradeables and you can find further details in our Data Protection Policy. Furthermore, our payment provider, MANGOPAY, uses the latest technology and regulatory analysis to keep your data safe and secure.
Is Retradeables secure for making payments?
MANGOPAY is the payment provider for the Retradeables platform, adhering strictly to EU anti-fraud regulations and procedures, requiring extensive KYC document for each account. MANGOPAY also uses 3D Secure (3DS) for all payments over 50€. 3D Secure is an extra layer of security for online credit and debit card transactions used by VISA, Mastercard and American Express. If 3DS is triggered during a payment, customers will be redirected to the issuing bank’s dedicated page to complete an extra security step. Find out more about MANGOPAY on their website.
How do I make payments through Retradeables?
You make payments directly through your account. You navigate to the ‘Finance’ section on your dashboard. Here you can see your transactions and your invoices, and the details for your own e-Wallet. Funds which appear on e-Wallets are held within MANGOPAY’s secure escrow account. This enables instant and secure transfers between e-Wallets. In the Finance section, you can search transactions you have made and you can create and issue invoices through the platform.
How do I transfer money from my Retradeables account to the company’s IBAN account?
You simply create a ‘pay-out’ transaction in the platform, which transfers funds from your main wallet in Mangopay to your company IBAN account.
Through this section of the platform, technicians can install the Retradeables mobile application on to a mobile device. Technicians will be able to manage and upload gas cylinders to the Retradeables platform via mobile devices. Each gas cylinder in the Retradeables marketplace will have its own QR code and these can be simply scanned. The technician will then receive all the information related to that gas cylinder – quality grade and quantity of the gas.The essential actions which can be completed via a mobile device are:- Performing a new extraction of gas
– Stock management – at company locations and at client locations
– Collection of gas
– Tagging an AC (air-conditioning) unit
– Tagging an Extraction Cylinder
– Adding a quality test to a cylinderThe instructions on-screen are clear and simple to follow.