In May 2021, the Life3R Project successfully launched their used F-gas trading platform, RETRADEABLES, Europe’s first circular economy for used F-gases. RETRADEABLES is now operating in three markets, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. As F-gas supply is phased down, and capacity of high-performance F-gas constrained, the circular use of used F-gases has a vital role to play in the reduction of the lifecycle’s carbon footprint through HVAC-R use.
RETRADEABLES was created by the Life3R project, funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union. The Life3R project team met with Claudia Pfirrmann, LIFE Programme’s Waste Expert & Monitoring & Evaluation Expert, to celebrate reaching their first milestone, the launch of RETRADEABLES. All Life3R project partners attended the online milestone meeting, each providing updates and future plans to the LIFE Programme. Life3R partners include, Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe HandelsgmbH, the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and mat4nrg GmbH (The Society for Materials and Energy Applications).
Professor Karellas, Life3R project partner & Professor of the National Technical University of Athens commented, “We are delighted to see the successful launch of RETRADEABLES in three countries, and to see interest gathering across Europe. In accordance with EU policies, the Green Deal, a Circular Economy, and the Waste framework or F-Gas Regulation, RETRADEABLES is a fine example of the use of a circular economy to promote sustainability in the HVAC-R industry. RETRADEABLES promotes the economically feasible recovery of market-distributed used gas stocks, enabling the recycling, reclamation and reuse of wasted used F-gases. We look forward to the Life3R project reaching their next milestone successfully and to rolling out to other European countries.”
For further information on the rollout of RETRADEABLES, please follow us on LinkedIn or contact us directly.
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